My heart still aches for you, sweet boy
A year has flown by, but has felt like forever. :'(
Heaven birthday wishes are
… always the hardest.
Miss you so much sweet baby boy! -
We’ll love you forever!
I easily have 15,000+ priceless photos and videos of you and I don’t know what to pick to remember you by. How do I put ten years of happiness, on a page?
This video will be longer than most want to watch but I made it for me.
You were our once in a life time muffin head.
oxoxo you.
BISS GCH Olde Fashion Talk About Buckeye Luck
10.16.07-10.31.17I whispered my heart to you as I held you close,
you held me in your tired gaze.
Your breath was warm against my cheek.
I breathed you in, desperate to memorize your scent.
I ran my fingers across your body,dripping tears onto your soft, mahogany folds.
We held you in our arms as we cried.My chest was so tight I could hardly breathe.
We gave the nod
and life would never be the same.My feeling of loss was so intense; it was like I had actually died.
I never wanted to say good bye.
I never wanted you to become a memory.
It is truly the worst feeling I’ve ever known,being the one who is left behind.
There is no greater joy, and no greater sacrifice,
than to love those who we must one day let go.October 16 of 2007, I saw you born on Olde Fashion’s puppy cam and I dared to dream of you in our lives. Ten weeks later, I held you for the first time in my arms and knew I would love you forever. On Oct 31 of 2017, I held you in my arms for the last time, knowing I would love you and now miss you, forever.
After ten incredible years my Noogers, my Big Red Tator Head succumbed to the ravaging effects of lymphoma. Ten years, ten truly INCREDIBLE years. The lucky get more time but far too many get less. I never let a single day go by that I didn’t tell you that I loved you and gave you kisses. You are forever my heart dog and I know just how lucky I was. This new silence fills my heart and lungs, it constricts my ability to think or breathe. I miss you so much.
To those who shared my love for Noogent, no words are necessary.
For those who didn’t know him, no words are possible. -
Picts from a couple of weeks ago
The pack enjoying the wonderful weather
Any time you …
… hold me in your gaze, my heart skips a beat!
Late night sleepies, setting in
Shhhhhh, we’re trying to sleep!
Love you sweetie!
Typical Red Rocket
… playing his favorite game of
“I triple dog dare you to try and walk past”.
Half awake, half asleep
Noogers enjoying the whole house fan
I agree, cooler days are wonderful!